Monday, January 2, 2012

It's 2012 - Why haven't I posted sooner?

It's been a while since I've posted here. I suppose I'm due for an update.

Many of you know about my medical diagnosis a few years ago and the fear I felt going through it. Well, that fear is back. After 3 years of doctor visits, one trip to Denver to see a renowned doctor in his field to "fix" me, several biopsies, and painful procedures later, I might be looking at going through it all again.

I have a procedure planned for January 11th at 7:45am at Memorial Hermann Memorial City. I have been lucky to have found such an amazing OB/Gyn here in Houston. She has made personal calls to me, during my struggles and even when things were going good. She understands how much having a baby was important to me. She was in the room with me the day I miscarried, holding my hand, crying with me.  She and I are the same age and she herself went through countless attempts of having children. She is now the mom to twin girls. Her name is Barbara Fogiel: She is wonderful.

The next few weeks will be scary for me, everyone that knows me well enough know that my life has been void of children, but it hasn't been my choice. With the ongoing fear of the unknown of what can happen to me with the gynocological diagnosis, I ask that you all say a little prayer for me. One now, one on January 11th, and one on January 19th, when I should have the results from the procedural biopsy.